We were so excited to have the opportunity to travel to Jackson, Wyoming to teach an amazing group of Hospitalists and Emergency Medicine providers from St. John’s Hospital. It was refreshing to see such enthusiasm across departments regarding the utility of point-of-care ultrasound for their patients.
Our two day course was held on site at St. John’s Hospital from 9AM-4PM daily. A tailored curriculum was built over the preceding months to ensure we were covering topics relevant to their particular practice setting. Each day was divided up between focused didactic sessions and hands-on scanning with live models. The course was a success from an educational standpoint, plus we enjoyed building new relationships with St. John’s Health providers.
We were up for the challenge of creating an ultrasound training curriculum that was applicable to both Hospitalist Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Our course schedule was as follows:
Day 1:
Essential Ultrasound Concepts
Skin & Soft Tissue Ultrasound : Clinical Gestalt is Not Enough
Finding Blood in Acute Trauma + Fluid Assessment Sans Trauma
Bedside Echo Assessment 101
Narrowing the Differential in Dyspnea
Day 2:
Aorta Emergencies
Ultrasound First in Renal Colic
Ultrasound in Hypotension
Vascular Access
Pregnant and Bleeding: DIY IUP Confirmation
Ocular Ultrasound: The New Fundoscopic Exam
We were fortunate to have Butterfly & Sonosite provide ultrasound machines for hands-on scanning. It was helpful for providers to get experience with both traditional and handheld machines. We were able to maintain a learner:teacher ratio of 3-4:1 for the entire course with ample practice scanning for all providers who attended.
Interested In A Course?
We develop courses for all acute care specialities and we can come to you!